Our God is a good, good Father. May we never overlook His treating us in grace.

We must be weak to receive God’s grace properly (first positionally, when we finally surrender to the Lord in humble, repentant faith, and then experientially, daily, by the same pattern).

We are called to submit and surrender to the Lord, allowing HIM to change us and use us to HIS glory (not by our own power, nor for our own glory).

As soon as you take your eyes off what's straight ahead of you, you start to veer off, even unintentionally. This is why it's so important to keep our eyes on the Cross of Christ, at all times!

Only a humble attitude towards God will help us stay in the true meaning, and power, of God's grace.

When you understand the value of God’s currency (grace) in this life, you want to SPEND it!

BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR WEAKNESSES, because without them, you would deceive yourself into thinking you're something that you're not.sss